National Environmental Education Week – April 13 – 19, 2014

National Environmental Education Week 2014

National Environmental Education Week 2014

National Environmental Education Week (EE Week) is the nation’s largest environmental education event held each year the week before Earth Day. EE Week inspires environmental learning and stewardship among students by connecting educators with environmental resources to promote K-12 students’ understanding of the environment. EE Week is a program of the National Environmental Education Foundation.

EE Week is held each year the week before Earth Day. EE Week is April 13-19, 2014.

The goal of EE Week is to assist educators in incorporating more high-quality environmental education across the curriculum.

In 2009, over 2,500 schools and organizations across the country organized EE Week events. Collectively these organizations reached hundreds of thousands of students with environmentally-themed lessons and activities.

We encourage any organization dedicated to the increasing the environmental literacy of K-12 students to get involved. Whether you are an educator looking to engage your students and inspire real-world problem-solving in the classroom, a homeschooling parent looking to encourage leadership in your children or a community leader looking to promote local habitat conservation, participating in EE Week is a terrific way to enhance learning and bring about positive change in your school and community.

EE Week attracts a diverse group of partners, including traditional public, private or homeschools, nature centers, parks, zoos, aquariums, museums, scout troops and even individuals with a passion for bringing environmental education to youth. Click here for a list of our partners.

When you register for EE Week, you join a national network of educators dedicated to increasing the environmental literacy of K-12 students. You will also receive free online resources, information on professional development and funding opportunities, and access to discounts on educational materials from our partners. There is no cost to register and participate in EE Week. Complete the online registration form (it’s free and only takes about five minutes).

National Environmental Education Week events are as diverse as our partners. While most become involved by planning events or activities for students, other organizations, such as state or national education associations, federal agencies or large nonprofits, choose to participate by publicizing EE Week in their newsletters, on their websites and at major meetings or conferences.

Visit the Get Involved page for ideas for how you may choose to participate in EE Week.

EE Week is a program of the National Environmental Education Foundation, a congressionally-charted independent non-profit that provides objective environmental information to help Americans live better every day.

Browse the website or contact EE Week via email: [email protected].

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