As the year ends, a time for reflection occurs. One question we could ask is: Where have we contributed to help others? Whether you were a volunteer who donated your time this year or a donor providing money for a cause you value, helping others can be satisfying. If you are enjoying the Tideline, we hope you will consider helping out the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex with its seven refuges.
Giving Opportunities
Give the gift of membership in the San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society! Join at Your gift goes into the general San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society funds to support the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex programs.
Donate to the Yellow School Bus Transportation Fund that provides equitable access to our Environmental Education programs for students from low-income neighborhoods.
Help us make a connection at your company: Email mary [dot] deschene [at] sfbws [dot] com about your company’s programs for community involvement and charitable giving and we’ll take it from there.
Give the gift of time. You can help your refuge by volunteering to staff the San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society Nature Stores in Fremont or Alviso. Net proceeds fund Tideline’s publication. We need your help on weekends and weekdays. A few hours can make a difference! Write info [at] sfbws [dot] com for details.
Remembering an Environmental Champion
Don Edwards, former U.S. Representative, was a leading champion for the establishment of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR, authoring a bill in 1972 to establish our first urban National Wildlife Refuge in the United States. He died in October at the age of 100. The San Jose Mercury News said it well: “the law preserved a broad expanse of South Bay wetlands, for fish, wildlife and public recreation – blocking the type of development that had filled in large sections of San Francisco Bay in prior decades.”
The refuge was named for him in 1995 when he retired from Congress after over 30 years of service and 16 terms as a representative.
Share your love of the environment and celebrate his legacy: The Edwards family has suggested memorial donations to the Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge at
Other ways to get involved or learn more? Check out and And as always, we welcome your inputs. Send your thoughts to us: info [at] sfbws [dot] com.
Cecilia (Ceal) D. Craig, PhD
President, FY15-16
SFBWS Board of Directors