Viewing scope at EEC, Alviso. Photo courtesy US FWS.
Just in time for the busy holiday birding season, a new viewing scope has been installed at the Environmental Education Center, Alviso with funds provided by the San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society (SFBWS).
A commemorative plaque on the viewing scope honors Jed Somit who volunteered on the Board of Director of SFBWS for many years. An attorney based in Oakland, Jed Somit volunteered his time to draw up the Society’s initial charter documents and provided the guidance that got the not-for-profit organization started in 1987.
The Society owes its success over the years to volunteers like Jed Somit, who mapped out the organization’s future course and made success possible.
The plaque bears the text:
In recognition of San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society’s founding member, Jed Somit, whose decade of vision ~1990 helped open San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge to the restorations you see all around you.
Commemorative plaque honoring the contributions of Jed Somit, a long time former member of the Board of Directors of San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society. Photo courtesy US FWS.
Come out to the Environmental Education Center at 1751 Grand Blvd, Alviso and walk to the far end of the boardwalk that looks out on salt pond A16.
Location of boardwalk overlooking salt pond A16 at EEC, Alviso. Screenshot courtesy OpenStreetMap.
Use the viewing scope to spot shorebirds like Forster’s Terns who nest on the narrow strips of land in the salt pond. American White Pelicans rest here and feed in the pond. Black Skimmers too nest here and are found sometimes along with Black-necked Stilts, American Avocets, and Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs. Double-crested Cormorants dry their wings on these islands after fishing. Egrets walk the edges.
Viewing scope at the end of the boardwalk that looks out on to salt pond A16. Photo courtesy US FWS.
Avocet nest at EEC, Alviso. Photo courtesy Ceal Craig. Copyright CC-BY-SA 3.0
Forster’s Tern at EEC, Alviso. Photo courtesy Ceal Craig. Copyright CC-BY-SA 3.0
Pelicans and stilts at EEC, Alviso. Photo courtesy Ceal Craig. Copyright CC-BY-SA 3.0