by Ceal Craig
We will be partnering with the San Jose Conservation Corps to do a major cleanup of the southern portion of Don Edwards Refuge in Santa Clara County thanks to a $39,000 grant received from the Santa Clara Valley Water District.
In addition to the cleanup, the team will be using tablet computers to document what types of trash are found using the Litterati app (see Photos of trash will be used to develop a display with a call-to-action message to prevent litter pollution in the Bay.
Volunteers are needed to work with the San Jose Conservation Corps. Look for announcements about volunteer days in fall 2016 to help remove trash.
Additional financial donations are needed to help create the educational display.
We will be hiring someone part-time to coordinate the efforts, projected to start in July / August until early winter.
Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in helping in any way and join long term volunteers Larry and Marj Kastner to eliminate litter, one piece at a time.