by Ceal Craig
The San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) Friends Group for the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex, authorized by Congress to support the education, interpretation, and research activities of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society seeks to nurture in the public a sense of understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuges, their natural and cultural history, and to support the conservation, preservation, and restoration of the bay lands as essential wildlife habitat.
We envision wildlife and its habitat thriving in a healthier San Francisco Bay area as a result of increased citizen stewardship of the environment.
Governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, the Society is supported by over 2,000 individual members and by donations and grants from corporations & foundations. The Wildlife Society operates bookstores at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay Refuge Visitor Center in Fremont and the Environmental Education Center in Alviso.
Following a meeting of the Board of Directors on October 19, 2016, Renee Fitzsimons is the new Vice President while Debra King is secretary. Two slots on the Board of Directors remain open.
We are looking for more Board of Director members, in particular people with a legal background and business financial experience. Please contact Cecilia (Ceal) Craig at ceal.craig [@] sfbws [dot] com if you want to chat about these opportunities.
Current Board of Directors
- President: Ceal Craig
- Vice President: Renee Fitzsimons
- Treasurer: John Bradley
- Secretary: Debra King
- Director: Christopher Kitting
- Director: Cheryl Davis
- Director: Terry Smith
- (2 slots on the Board of Directors remain open.)