Join the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in our first in-house feature length documentary on the sandy shores of Costa Rica.
Date: Saturday, July 15 2017, 1pm – 3pm
Location: Environmental Education Center, Alviso
Reservation: Go to
In the documentary Why Just One? the Sea Shepherd crew tackles a vexing paradox: trying to prevent the poaching of sea turtle eggs in Costa Rica when the activity is legal in one beach town, Ostional, on the country’s Pacific coast. This legal loophole fuels and enables egg poaching throughout Costa Rica.
In Why Just One?, Sea Shepherd explores the widely accepted statistic that just one in one thousand sea turtle hatchlings survive to maturity.
This is a one hour film appropriate for ages 10+, or at your own discretion. A brief Q&A will follow the showing.
Questions? Call 408-262-5513 ext. 104.