Let’s Go Outside! Be a Refuge Rambler!

Refuge Rambler Club

Explore the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge with others in US Fish and Wildlife Service’s walking club, Refuge Rambler. It’s a great way to meet new people and see wildlife while getting physically fit. Once a month from March to October, we will gather at designated times and locations on the Don Edwards Refuge (or areas adjacent to the refuge) to walk the trails together. Staff or a volunteer will be present to greet the group, check off trail passports and walk the trail. These walks will range from 1.5 – 9 miles and will be located in Fremont, Alviso, Menlo Park, Sunnyvale, Redwood Shores and Mountain View.

These walks are self-paced. Take your time to enjoy the outdoors, discover nature, and meet fellow nature-lovers. People of all ages are welcome.

Becoming a Refuge Rambler is easy and free. You are under no obligation. Complete the registration form below, or download the form on the refuge website. Mail it to Carmen Minch, 1 Marshlands Rd, Fremont, CA 94555. In a couple of weeks, you will receive a Refuge Rambler patch, a trail passport, and a schedule with trail descriptions of the trails featured for 2013.

The trail passport helps keep track of all the trails you completed. If you complete 7 out of the 8 trails featured, you become a Refuge Rambler All-Star! Submit your passport in person at the Visitor Center on October 19 and receive your 2013 t-shirt. Or, you can mail your passport to the refuge by October 31 and the t-shirt will be mailed to you. All passports will be returned.

Want to join in on the fun but don’t want to be a member? No problem. All trails will be advertised in Tideline and on our website. Choose the trails you want to walk and show up at the designated location and time. No reservations needed. Bring your friends! There are over 30 miles of hiking trails on the refuge just waiting to be explored.

Sign me up for the Refuge Rambler Club!

Complete the form below and receive a patch, a schedule, trail descriptions, and a passport. Mail the form to Carmen Minch, 1 Marshlands Rd, Fremont, CA 94555
Name: ____________________________
Address: __________________________
Email Address: ______________________
(Email is for notification of any changes to scheduling.)