by Ceal Craig
The San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society is happy to publish the latest issue of its digital newsletter, Tide Rising: Volume 4, Issue 2, Fall 2022. This issue’s theme is Partnerships & Learning about California Refuges.
In this issue:
- Partnerships: South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project: Long term partnerships forging
new collaborations. - Fall Birding Migration Paths through National Wildlife Refuges: Take a trip with two passionate birders through the Northern California National Wildlife Refuges. Learn about Refuges in Washington and East Coast. Find out where to learn more about birds in the Bay area: on the Refuge and in local hotspots.
- Science Reports from the Field: Drought affects Marin Islands NWR and studying habitat loss at Antioch
Dunes NWR impacting key flower species. - Summer Camp 2022: back in person again!
- Read some updates from CA Audubon, SFBBO, and the upcoming Dark Sky Symposium.
Editors: Ceal Craig, PhD
Contributors: SFBWS: Ceal Craig, Olivia Poulos. USFWS: Meg Marriott, Taylor Patiga, Derek Carr. Contributors: Ariel Ambruster, Larry Rosenblum, Lisa Myers, Lorna Kropp
Photographers: mbarish Goswami, Carlene Hardt, Ceal Craig, Derek Carr, Ivan Parr, Larry Rosenblum, Mary McGuire, S. Euing, Stu Weiss, Tony Woo, USFWS, Zach Vought
Thanks for reading!
Readers’ feedback:
Can you spare 5 minutes to complete a survey (five questions plus a few optional ones)? Share your ideas about our quarterly Tide Rising newsletter:
Let us know how we are doing and what we can do to improve our efforts and serve you better.
Let us know what you think of our current issue of Tide Rising. If you can help (editing, articles, etc.) reach out to newsletter[at]sfbayws[dot]org and enter “VOLUNTEER” in the subject line of your email.
Write us at the Newsletter address newsletter[at]sfbayws[dot]org with ideas, comments, and questions.
Are you interested in helping us with our online SFBWS Nature Store (taking merchandise photos, processing orders, set-up, etc.)? Write Mary Deschene at mary[dot]deschene[at]sfbayws[dot]org with ideas, comments, and questions.
See previous issues of the newsletter, Tide Rising, for articles about animals, habitats, restoration efforts, people (volunteers and staff), research, and Society efforts. The newsletter is sent quarterly using Constant Contact via email if you have signed up for it. In addition, you will be able to download a printable PDF file from the Society website.
In each issue, we will share information from other partners as well as new ideas and opportunities for partnerships. Look for articles from our sister Friends organization, Friends of the San Pablo Bay NWR, highlighting volunteers and FWS staff, as well as providing information about advocacy.
Cecilia (Ceal) D. Craig, PhD
Member, SFBWS Board of Directors