Donate when you shop on Amazon this Prime Day, July 12-13, 2022

Amazon Prime Day 2022

Amazon Prime Day starts today! This is an annual sale event will runs Tuesday July 12 through Wednesday, July 13 this year. Make your dollars count and support us by starting your shopping at Amazon Smile.

Did you know that by using Amazon Smile before checking out, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charity of your choice? If you’re planning on doing any shopping today or tomorrow, we hope you will consider selecting San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society as your charity of choice! Simply visit and follow the prompts to turn your deal into a difference.

San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society Donation Form

The San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society works to fund educational events, research and exhibits in cooperation with local, regional and state agencies. With federal cut-backs to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service budget, your funding of our environmental programs is very welcome.

For more than 30 years, the San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society has:

  • Introduced the refuge to tens of thousands of students of all ages
  • Helped fund the Bair Island restoration and Management Plan, restoration work at Antioch Dunes NWR, and uplands restoration at the Environmental Education Center
  • Provided weekend staff in Alviso through long-term partnerships with the City of San Jose and the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program
  • Provided funding for a new boardwalk at the New Chicago Marsh Trail at the Environmental Education Center
  • Funded a new greenhouse
  • Provided funds to create a native plant nursery
  • And much more

Your support of our education, interpretation, and research activities is more important than ever. Any amount you’re willing to donate will be greatly appreciated! Donations may be fully tax-deductible.