Volunteer Opportunities: Winter 2016
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Volunteer Opportunities: Winter 2016 at the Environmental Education Center (Alviso, California). If you have an interest in wildlife and their conservation, enjoy working with people, and are enthusiastic and dependable, the Environmental Education Center’s Volunteer Program is…
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SF Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board presents 2016 “WuHoo” Pollution Prevention Award to City of San José
The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board presented the 2016 Dr. Teng-Chung Wu Award to the City of San José for its innovative pollution prevention activities. Kerrie Romanow, director of San José’s Environmental Services Department, accepted the award for the City on September 14, 2016 at a…
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Current Projects and Future Ideas at SFBWS
by Cecilia (Ceal) D. Craig, PhD President, SFBWS Board of Directors Current Projects The Board of Directors of the San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society is moving through a strategic planning process to develop goals for the upcoming years, and to migrate the organization into a Friends organization for the Refuge…
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Celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week (Oct 9 – 15) at Don Edwards SF Bay NWR
Come celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week this year from October 9 through October 15 at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Take part and learn how national wildlife refuges conserve and protect wildlife and habitat through science, interpretation, and recreation at the Refuge Headquarters…
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Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are needed to operate the Nature Stores and the visitor information desk at the Fremont Visitor Contact Station (Contact Station) and the San Jose Environmental Education Center (Education Center). We are also seeking volunteers to help with an exciting cleanup program in Santa Clara County for which the…
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Volunteer Opportunities: Fall 2016
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Volunteer Opportunities: Fall 2016 at the Environmental Education Center (Alviso, California). If you have an interest in wildlife and their conservation, enjoy working with people, and are enthusiastic and dependable, the Environmental Education Center’s Volunteer Program is…
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Challenges Ahead — Take Our Survey!
Earlier this year, a new effort spearheaded by Fish & Wildlife Service Education Center Director Genie Moore was aimed to develop a Visitor Services strategic plan for the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR. Two staff and one volunteer from the Society worked alongside Fish & Wildlife (FWS) staff…
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Coastal Cleanup Day • September 17, 2016
Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge presents Coastal Cleanup Day at the Dumbarton Fishing Pier Parking Lot, Marshlands Rd, Fremont on Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Do you want to help wildlife and the environment? Join the thousands of people around the…
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New Hours at the Don Edwards SF Bay NWR
New Hours at the Visitor Center in Fremont and Environmental Education Center in Alviso Effective September 1, 2016 Visitor Center in Fremont: Wednesday-Saturday, 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Federal Holidays: Closed Environmental Education Center in Alviso: Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday/Non-Field Trip Days: Open 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday/Field Trip Days: Closed Federal…
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“Exploring Our Baylands” Book Review
by Roy Sasai, San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society Volunteer and San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex Docent. Exploring Our Baylands by Diane R. Conradson, Ph.D. is a well-written, concise book (only 69 pages) packed with information regarding the history and ecology of the San Francisco Bay Area. The…
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