Winners of the 30th Annual Endangered Species Poster Contest
The San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society is happy to announce the winners of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge’s 30th Annual Endangered Species Poster Contest. This contest is held annually for schools in Union City, Newark, Fremont, and East Palo Alto. Posters were judged for their…
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South Bay Bird Fest – 05/12
Discover the beauty of local birds! Free face painting, guided bird walks, hands-on activities and crafts! Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012 – 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm Venue: Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Environmental Education Center in Alviso For more information, please call us at (408)…
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Annual Earth Day Cleanup – 04/21
Help us protect wildlife and the environment while enjoying great Bay views! Join our Annual Earth Day Cleanup at Ravenswood Point with Save the Bay in East Palo Alto. We’ll supply plastic gloves and trash bags. Wear sturdy shoes, a hat, and sunscreen. Prepare to get dirty…
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A look back at the last 25 years
The First Decade 1987 – 1996 1987: Donated funds for old Fremont pumphouse restoration, making it an environmental education classroom. Runs bookstore & purchased a copy machine for Refuge. 1988: Bought first computer at Refuge. Established bookstore at Klamath Basin NWR. Began publishing The Tideline. Established Explorer…
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San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society Celebrates 25 years of Environmental Education & Refuge Complex Support
By Ceal Craig, Eric McKee, Debra King, and Sue Ten Eyck What began 25 years ago as a small not-for-profit organization formed primarily to publish a quarterly newsletter, has blossomed into a cooperating association and friends group that helps finance environmental education, facility construction, and habitat restoration. John Steiner, former…
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