Volume 1 Issue 4 of Tide Rising, our quarterly newsletter, is ready
by Ceal Craig Tide Rising: Volume 1, Issue 4, Summer 2020. The San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society is happy to publish the third issue of its digital-only newsletter, Tide Rising: Volume 1,…
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South Farallon Islands Invasive House Mouse Eradication Project
Located nearly 30 miles off the coast of San Francisco, Farallon Islands’ craggy peaks and…
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Online Marsh-In Summer Camp! • August 3-7, 2020
The annual Marsh-In Summer Camp program held at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Environmental Education Center in Alviso is going online this year! Join us for our first ever online summer camp program that combines technology and outdoor activities for a unique learning experience. Camp…
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Celebrate #BlackBirdersWeek with online events • May 31 – June 5, 2020
Celebrate the inaugural #BlackBirdersWeek from May 31st-June 5th to celebrate black birders and nature explorers everywhere! Use social media hashtags to participate and follow along in many inspiring stories straight from black birders and outdoor enthusiasts, while learning some exciting bird science: Sunday, May 31: Kick off Black Birders…
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The Majestic Monarch
The Monarch Butterfly, with its large orange wings, striking black veins, and white-dotted edges, is one of the most recognizable butterflies in North America. Monarchs are not only known for their beauty, but are also known for their amazing migration and overwintering behavior.
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Make Salty’s Board Game and celebrate Endangered Species Day – May 15, 2020
Celebrate the anniversary of the Endangered Species Act which protects threatened and endangered species like the California tiger salamander, vernal pool tadpole shrimp, and the Contra Costa goldfield. Learn more about one of the endangered species at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay Wildlife Refuge — the Salt Marsh…
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Explore the Upland – online interactive field trip activity
Note: This the fifth in our series of online interactive field trip activities to explore and discover the 5 habitats of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Teachers can send this online, interactive field trip activity to students or parents can give it to their…
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Explore the Mudflats – online interactive field trip activity
Note: This the fourth in our series of online interactive field trip activities to explore and discover the 5 habitats of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Teachers can send this online, interactive field trip activity to students or parents can give it to their…
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Explore the Slough – online interactive field trip activity
Note: This the third in our series of online interactive field trip activities to explore and discover the 5 habitats of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Teachers can send this online, interactive field trip activity to students or parents can give it to their…
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Explore the Salt Pond – online interactive field trip activity
Note: This the second in our series of online interactive field trip activities to explore and discover the 5 habitats of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Teachers can send this online, interactive field trip activity to students or parents can give it to their…
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