From our blogs

Watching Our Watersheds now available!

By Julie Kahrnoff

A powerful, interactive and free educational tool is now available for educators everywhere, and for visitors to the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. If you’re curious about the creeks, baylands, and urban drainage networks, or would like to teach your students about the local watershed, this computer program using satellite technology may be just the tool.

Watching Our Watersheds (WOW) is a project to map the creeks, urban drainage networks, watersheds, baylands, and points of interest in Santa Clara Valley. Anyone can now download these maps and view them interactively through Google Earth.

These maps have many layers including past landscapes of the San Francisco Bay. With WOW you can compare the waterways and habitats of the late 1800s to the present-day landscape. Within the maps exist points of interest such as diaries of Forty Niners who stopped in San José on their way to and from the gold mines, lists of birds and plants from early botanists and ornithologists, and some of the earliest landscape photography taken in the state. Archives were searched for every photograph, map, and manuscript revealing aspects of the Santa Clara Valley’s former ecological landscape. Each map comes with a User’s Guide to navigating in Google Earth and answers to FAQs about the WOW project and the individual layers in the map. The maps cover western, central and southern Santa Clara County.

Let’s Go Outside! Be a Refuge Rambler!

Refuge Rambler Club

Explore the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge with others in US Fish and Wildlife Service's walking club, Refuge Rambler. It’s a great way to meet new people and see wildlife while getting physically fit. Once a month from March to October, we will gather at designated times and locations on the Don Edwards Refuge (or areas adjacent to the refuge) to walk the trails together. Staff or a volunteer will be present to greet the group, check off trail passports and walk the trail. These walks will range from 1.5 - 9 miles and will be located in Fremont, Alviso, Menlo Park, Sunnyvale, Redwood Shores and Mountain View.

Watching Our Watersheds

Freshwater marshes seen in Google Maps via the interactive maps provided by the Watching Our Watersheds project. Screenshot courtesy SFBWS. Copyright CC BY-SA 3.0.

Freshwater marshes seen in Google Maps via the interactive maps provided by the Watching Our Watersheds project. Screenshot courtesy SFBWS. Copyright CC BY-SA 3.0.

Watching Our Watersheds is a project to map the creeks, urban drainage network, watersheds, baylands, and points of interest in Santa Clara Valley. You can now download these maps and view them interactively through Google Earth or Google Maps.

You can even compare the waterways and habitats of the late 1800s to their present day configurations. Each map comes with a User's Guide to navigating in Google Earth, and answers to FAQs about the WOW project and the individual layers in the map. The maps cover western, central and southern Santa Clara County and the data is current as of November 2012.

Free Wifi at the EEC

Environmental Education Center, Alviso, CA

The Environmental Education Center at Alviso now offers free Wi-Fi courtesy of the San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society!

BioBlitz 2012 at the Don Edwards SF Bay NWR - BioBlitz 2012 Map. Screenshot courtesy - BioBlitz 2012 Map. Screenshot courtesy

Scientists and naturalists gathered at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge last weekend to document plants and wildlife at the refuge.

Termed BioBlitz 2012, participants at the event uploaded their photos and findings to The website recorded a total of 126 different types of wildlife that were spotted in the 24 hours from 3 PM on October 21 through 3 PM on Oct 22.

Spooky Slough! Oct 27, 2012

Grab a flashlight and head to the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Alviso for this FREE Special Event celebrating our nocturnal neighbors!

National Wildlife Refuge Week (Oct 14 - 20) and BioBlitz 2012

National Wildlife Refuge Week - BioBlitz 2012. Logo courtesy USFWS.

To celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week this year from October 14 through October 20, the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge is gathering scientists and naturalists on the refuge for another BioBlitz! Meet the experts and see what they do first-hand. Become a field scientist and help the refuge document plants and wildlife, big and small at Refuge Headquarters in Fremont.

The 24-Hour BioBlitz begins at 3:00 p.m. October 20, 2012 and ends at 3:00 p.m. October 21, 2012 at 2 Marshlands Rd, Fremont. A full day’s schedule and more information can be found on the US Fish and Wildlife Service website.

NWRA 2012 Wildlife Refuge Photo Contest

National Wildlife Refuge Association (NWRA) 2012 Wildlife Refuge Photo Contest. Photograph courtesy NWRA. Copyright NWRA.

The National Wildlife Refuge Association (NWRA) is pleased to announce the 2012 Wildlife Refuge Photo Contest, an exciting event dedicated to showcasing the National Wildlife Refuge System’s rich diversity of wildlife and habitat. Your photos can help us promote this magnificent 150-million-acre federal lands system, a centerpiece of conservation in America.

Contest Entry

Submit up to five digital photos taken at a national wildlife refuge within the last three years through our website,, between September 7 and the end of National Wildlife Refuge Week on October 12, 2012. Results will be announced in late October 2012. Download the contest flyer [PDF 1.5 MB].

Environmental Education Internship

Watershed Watchers Program Coordinator Debra King talks about wildlife and the habitat they depend on during the Habitat Hike. Photograph courtesy SFBWS. Copyright CC BY-SA 3.0.

Watershed Watchers Program Coordinator Debra King talks about wildlife and the habitat they depend on during the Habitat Hike. Photograph courtesy SFBWS. Copyright CC BY-SA 3.0.


This volunteer internship is located at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Environmental Education Center in Alviso, CA. The Environmental Education Center provides free programs to schools and the public, while teaching about the local wildlife, conservation, and how to help the environment. The Living Wetlands program is designed to teach about wetlands and the properties of wetlands including watersheds and water conservation. We need a highly motivated individual who has an interest in education and visitor services and will assist in educating, planning, and developing the Living Wetlands program.

Drawbridge, CA featured in the Milpitas Post 8/24/2012

By Ceal Craig and Debra King

Water tower at Drawbridge, CA. Photograph courtesy Cecilia Craig. Copyright CC BY-SA 3.0.

Water tower at Drawbridge, CA. Photograph courtesy Cecilia Craig. Copyright CC BY-SA 3.0.

Shannon Barry, an education and feature writer for the Milpitas Post, has covered the ghost town of Drawbridge, CA in the August 24, 2012 print edition of her popular column "Sightseeing with Shannon".

The article, available on the Mercury News website, is part of an ongoing series of profiles about activities and places of interest in the greater Silicon Valley.

The full article (PDF version) can be downloaded here.
