Rachel Carson’s 111th birth anniversary
Today, May 27, 2018, marks the 111th birth anniversary of Rachel Carson, a writer-biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, whose writing on pesticides in 1962 inspired a grassroots…
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Feral cats pose threat to burrowing owls at Shoreline Park
A feral cat at Shoreline Park, home to about 50 burrowing owls that nest in the ground. Credit Jason Henry/New York…
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Interpretive Associate for the Watershed Watchers Program
POSITION DESCRIPTION Part-time, 8-16 hours/week July 2018 – June 30, 2019 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Associate needed to assist San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society (SFBWS) at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge from July 2018 – June 2019, working 1 day (Saturday) with the possibility of an additional day (Thursday). Associate will…
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National River Cleanup Day • May 19 2018, 9am – 12pm
Saturday, May 19, 2018 is National River Cleanup Day. Come help out with litter collection as we join others around the world in an effort to keep our rivers clean. Together with other concerned citizens, we’ll pick up trash and tidy up a local body of water. Come with…
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Mother’s Day at the Refuge • May 12 2018, 10am – 3pm
Join us at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge for a free Mother’s Day event! The eggs have hatched! Let’s celebrate the new mamas! Come with your family to experience the refuge for FREE guided nature walks, a live bird show, crafts for mom, and games. Spread…
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Bay Area Bike to Work Day • May 10 2018
On Thursday May 10, 2018 join tens of thousands of regular and first-time Bay Area residents who will bike to work…
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Vernal Pool Tours at Warm Springs Unit on Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Are you interested in seeing the flower blooms around some of the last intact vernal pools in the East Bay? You will learn about the unique features of vernal pool grasslands, and hopefully observe the pools in what will likely be a good rain year! Participants will see endangered…
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Farewell Living Wetlands
by Colter Cook Dear Teachers, Volunteers & Partners, We regret to inform you that after nearly 20 years of environmental education and interpretation, the Living Wetlands program will be discontinued as of June 30, 2018. Recent changes to priorities, grant…
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