SFBWS Newsletter Sign Up
You can sign up to receive a periodic newsletter, Tide Rising with information about the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex and its seven Refuges. The newsletter will highlight Refuge habitats, animals who live in them, Refuge activities and research, SFBWS activities and events, and more.
Past issues of the previous Tideline newsletter are archived here.
Sign up here via our newsletter provider Constant Contact: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/Btqccvd/signup.
You can also sign up by sending an email to the newsletter administrator at newsletter@sfbayws.org with a CC to mary.deschene@sfbayws.org, the subject line "[SFBWS Newsletter Sign Up] Tide Rising" and email body "Hi, I would love to sign up for your newsletter. Thank you! --Your name".