Field Trips and Groups
General Education Program Information
Free field trip programs are offered at two sites at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society provides programs at the Environmental Education Center in Alviso. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducts field trips at the Refuge Headquarters in Fremont.
Please note weekday field trips at the Environmental Education Center in Alviso are currently limited due to construction from the South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Levee Project. Most public programs are planned during the early evenings or on Sundays.
These programs actively involve teachers, adult volunteers, and students in investigating the diverse habitats and wildlife at the refuge. The hands-on, small-group activities are designed to teach basic ecological concepts and to introduce endangered species, migratory birds, and wetland habitats to the students. All programs have been correlated to the appropriate State of California Education Standards. We are piloting new and modified activities that support Next Generation Science Standards.
Field Trips at the Learning Center in Fremont
Contact the Environmental Education Staff at Fremont:
Office: (505) 417-2561
Cell: (510) 377-7269
E-mail: [email protected]
Field Trips at the Environmental Education Center in Alviso
Programs for K-12
Guided Field Trips for K-12 students are currently put on hold due to ongoing construction from the South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Levee Project at the Alviso Unit. Please contact the Watershed Watchers Program Coordinator at [email protected] or call (408) 515-1889 to learn more about our in-class presentation options. Priority for Field Trips is given to schools located within Santa Clara County.
Programs for Colleges and Universities
Guided Field Trips are offered at the Environmental Education Center in Alviso. Currently, these field trips consist of a presentation introducing the Refuge and its wildlife and habitats, followed by a guided walk. We also cover watershed protection and ways to help. Programs generally last from 1 ½ – 2 hours but may be longer depending on the activities. Contact the Watershed Watchers Program Coordinator at [email protected] or call (408) 515-1889 to make a reservation. If we cannot accommodate your field trip request due to ongoing construction, an in-class field trip option may be discussed.

Students from Mission College on a guided field trip at the Environmental Education Center, Alviso in May 2022. (Photo: SFBWS/Olivia Poulos)
College instructor-led Tours are also allowed at the Environmental Education Center in Alviso. All college instructors planning this type of field trip must make a reservation at least eight weeks in advance of the desired field trip date. If your group size is over 25 you will need to acquire a Special Use Permit from our Headquarters office in Fremont. Please contact the Watershed Watchers Program Coordinator at [email protected] or call (408) 515-1889.
Scout Programs located at the Environmental Education Center, Alviso
The Environmental Education Center may be offering scout and youth programs on Sundays only. Please email the Watershed Watchers Program Coordinator at [email protected] or call (408) 515-1889 with a detailed description of your Scout or Daisy group and the journey or badge that you are hoping to complete.
Traditionally, these programs are free, hands-on programs for youths. During the programs, participants learn about endangered species, migratory birds, wetland habitats, and the relationship between personal habits and their effects on the San Francisco Bay. These programs are designed to meet the badge/ patch requirements of Scout Groups, but anyone can participate. Because of the popularity of such programs, reservations are required. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Badges are not provided.
Application for Blue Goose School Bus Transportation Funds
The Blue Goose School Bus Field Trip Transportation Fund was started with funding from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Connecting People with Nature Program. The San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society continues to administer this fund to help Title I schools attend field trips at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Environmental Education Center in Alviso and the Newark Slough Learning Center in Fremont.
If you are awarded funding for a bus, you will be expected to hire the bus and mail a copy of the invoice to the San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society. After receipt of the invoice, we will send the check for up to either to the bus vendor directly (school district or local vendor) or to the school/school district for reimbursement, whichever method is preferred by the school.
PLEASE NOTE: If your school is in need of transportation to a field trip you will need to reserve a field trip date first and then fill out a Bus Fund Form. Please follow these steps and we will contact you as soon as possible with a response.
If you would like to make a donation to the Blue Goose Bus Transportation Fund, any support is always appreciated. Donations can be made via Mighty Cause: or San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society’s general donation page: