Celebrate Urban National Wildlife Refuge Day 2020 with online events

Join us this weekend in celebrating National Public Lands Day (Saturday, September 26) and Urban National Wildlife Refuge Day (Tuesday, September 29! We have lots of fun virtual, at-home, and self-guided on-Refuge activities for you to participate in!

DIY Binoculars and Bird Scavenger Hunt

Recycle your toilet paper rolls and turn them into your very own pair of binoculars! Then take them outside and use them to find birds, and signs of birds! Birds are incredibly important ecosystem contributors and we have over 280 species that live or stop at Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge!

⇊ Click here to download the DIY Binoculars activity sheet (PDF 6 MB) ⇊

Drawbridge: History & Virtual Tour

Saturday, September 26th 10am
Sunday, September 27th 1pm
Join Ceal Craig, San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society Board President, for a special opportunity to dive into the history of Drawbridge, a ghost town that once lived on an island along the South San Francisco Bay.
Presentation will be approximately 1 hour and will end with time for questions/discussion from participants. Direct link to the program will be provided via email after registration. Platform that will be used is Zoom. To learn more and register visit: https://virtualdrawbridge.eventbrite.com
Questions? Contact Hope at [email protected]

Living on the Edge: A Tour of Bay Habitats

Opening Day: Saturday, September 26th
New self-guided tour available at the Environmental Education Center in Alviso! As you ride your bike or take a hike around the habitats at the Refuge, stop along the way to learn more about the history of the site, the plants and wildlife that live here, and the restoration work being done to ensure a resilient future for our community. At each stop location you will find a sign with a QR code. Scan the code with your mobile device’s camera or app to open a web page with information, photos, and additional links about four different topics relevant to each stop. If you are unable to visit the Refuge, you can use this link to visit each stop virtually! https://sfbayws.org/refuge-tour
Questions? Contact Hope at [email protected]

Coastal Cleanup

Pollution prevention is very important to keeping our local watersheds, the Bay, and ultimately our oceans clean and our world healthy.
Join us for this year’s Coastal Cleanup Event by gathering your household family members together, and spend some time beautifying your neighborhood! If you need supplies, Valley Water is generously providing them, as well as safety tips. To learn more and register visit: https://ccd2020ccag.eventbrite.com/?aff=SCVURPPP
Questions? Contact Hope at [email protected]

Fishing for Beginners

Hosted on Hunting and Fishing Day & National Public Lands Day, September 26th at 9am on Facebook Live via the San Francisco NWR Complex page. Get hooked on fishing with Refuge Ranger Miguel Marquez via a virtual webinar event from the Don Edwards Refuge to learn the basics of fishing. We will go over equipment, safety, ethics, knot tying, and rigging. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/SanFranciscoBayNWRComplex
Questions? Contact Ranger Miguel: [email protected]